Discover Puffins in Scotland: The Best Places to See Them

Puffins are one of Scotland's most beloved seabirds. These cute and colorful creatures are known for their distinctive appearance, with their brightly colored beaks and eye-catching plumage. They can be found in various locations throughout Scotland, particularly on the country's many islands and coastal areas.

Here are some interesting facts about Puffins, as well as some of the best places to see them in Scotland.


Interesting Puffin Facts

  • Puffins are sometimes called "sea parrots" due to their colorful beaks and clownish appearance.

  • They are also known as "tammie norries" in Scotland, a name that may have come from the Norse word "trommar" (meaning drummer) due to the sound of their wings in flight.

  • Puffins are a popular food source in some parts of Scotland and other countries, although they are now protected by law in most places.

  • Puffins can live for up to 20 years in the wild.

When is the best time to see Puffins

When it comes to spotting puffins in Scotland, timing is key. To maximize your chances of catching a glimpse of these charismatic seabirds, plan your visit between the months of April and August. This timeframe offers the best opportunity to witness puffins in action, as they are most active and visible during this period.

However, it's important not to arrive too early in April, as puffins may still be settling into their nesting sites. By late April and into May, you're more likely to see puffins engaged in their breeding activities, including courtship displays, nest-building, and chick-rearing.

Keep in mind that puffins are seasonal visitors, and you won't find them outside the April to August window. Therefore, it's essential to plan your trip within this timeframe to experience the magic of puffin colonies along the Scottish coastline.

While puffins are undoubtedly the stars of the show, don't become too fixated on just one bird species. Scotland's seaboard is teeming with other fascinating marine birds, such as guillemots and various Scottish avian species. Exploring the diverse avian life along the coast can be equally rewarding and provide a broader perspective on the region's rich birdlife. Check out our pages on Osprey, Golden Eagle and Peregrine Falcon!


Best Places to See Puffins in Scotland

  • The Isle of May: Located in the Firth of Forth, the Isle of May is home to over 40,000 Puffins during the breeding season, making it one of the best places in Scotland to see these seabirds.

  • Staffa: This uninhabited island off the coast of Mull is famous for its unique geology, but it is also home to a large Puffin colony that can be viewed from boat trips.

  • Handa Island: This remote island off the coast of Sutherland has a large seabird colony, including Puffins, and can be accessed by boat during the summer months.

  • Fair Isle: This small island between Orkney and Shetland is home to a Puffin colony, as well as other seabirds such as Guillemots and Razorbills.

If you're planning a trip to Scotland and want to see these adorable seabirds, be sure to check out one of these top locations and if you’re in need of a guide to take you to the places and show you other incredible spots in Scotland, consider booking a tour with us! With NEW multi-day tours heading to Mull and Orkney as well as many other popular destinations around the country.

Check out our Mull 4-day Tour from Edinburgh!

Check out our Orkney 5-day Tour from Edinburgh!