Golden Eagles

In Scotland

Discover the Majestic Golden Eagles in Scotland

The Golden Eagle is one of Scotland's most iconic birds of prey. With its impressive wingspan and powerful talons, the Golden Eagle is a symbol of strength and freedom. In this information page, we will explore the biology, habitat, and conservation efforts surrounding these majestic birds.

Golden Eagles in Scotland

Habitat of Golden Eagles in Scotland

Golden Eagles are found throughout Scotland, but they are most commonly found in the Highlands and Islands. They prefer open, mountainous terrain with rocky crags and cliffs for nesting and hunting.

Golden Eagles mate for life and typically build their nests in cliffs or rocky outcroppings. They will use the same nest year after year, adding new material each year to make it larger and more comfortable.

Biology of Golden Eagles

Golden Eagles are large birds of prey, with a wingspan of up to 2.4 meters (8 feet) and a weight of up to 7 kg (15 pounds). They are named for their distinctive golden-brown feathers on their heads and necks.

Golden Eagles are carnivorous, feeding on a variety of prey including rabbits, hares, grouse, and other small mammals and birds. They are known for their hunting prowess, with the ability to spot prey from great distances and dive at incredible speeds to catch it.

Golden Eagles in Scotland

Conservation Efforts for Golden Eagles

Golden Eagles are a protected species in Scotland, and there are several conservation efforts in place to ensure their survival. One of the most important is the Golden Eagle Conservation Scheme, which works to protect nesting sites, monitor populations, and educate the public about the importance of these birds.

Other efforts include habitat restoration projects, predator control programs to reduce competition with other bird species, and efforts to reduce the use of pesticides that can harm the birds.

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